Электронные книги жанра магический реализм, по алфавиту

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The Navidad Incident: The Downfall of Matias Guili

The Navidad Incident: The Downfall of Matias Guili

Mashiasu giri no shikkyaku
магический реализм
современная зарубежная проза
A modern classic of Japanese magical realism and political satire. In this sweeping magical-realist epic set in the fictional south sea island Republic of Navidad, Ikezawa gives his imagination free rein to reinvent the myths of the twentieth century Japan. The story takes off as a delegation of Japanese war veterans pays an official visit to the ex-World War II colony, only to see the Japanese flag burst into flames. The following day, the tour bus, and its passengers, simply vanish. The locals exchanges absurd rumors—the bus was last seen attending Catholic mass, the bus must have skipped across the lagoon—but the president suspects a covert guerrilla organization is trying to undermine his…

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