2017 Год написания, по популярности - cтраница 30

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Как смотреть фейерверк

Как смотреть фейерверк

Fireworks Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom?
фантастика романтика
Does a firework look different depending on the angle it's viewed from?Norimichi lives in a quiet seaside town. On the day of the big summer fireworks display, he agrees to visit the town lighthouse with his childhood friends so they can see the fireworks "from the side." That evening, however, Norimichi receives a sudden invitation to "elope" with Nazuna, the girl from class he has a secret crush on. The pair's plan fails when Nazuna's mother shows up and drags her daughter away. Hoping to get Nazuna back, Noromichi makes a wish: If only he could get one more try...A miraculous story of young love awaits at the end of a single day repeated.
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Лу за стеной

Лу за стеной

Lu Over the Wall
музыка сверхъестественное
In the seaside village of Hinashi Town, Kai Ashimoto's grandfather is one of the locals who reinforces the legend that mermaids lurk near Merfolk Island and consume humans. Due to allegedly attracting merfolk and subsequently causing the death of the elder's mother, music is seldom discussed in the Ashimoto household. Even so, Kai finds solace in making looped beats on his laptop and uploading them to the internet.Despite his reserved and glum demeanor, Kai is approached by Kunio and Yuuho Ebina, two cheerful classmates that happened upon one of his videos. The pair ask him to join their rock band but are met with apathy. Nevertheless, Kai agrees to accompany them in a practice session on Merfolk…
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Таинственная работа, именуемая «Ода Нобунага»

Таинственная работа, именуемая «Ода Нобунага»

A Mysterious Job Called Oda Nobunaga
The greatest conqueror history's never seen!At last, the time has come for the gods to bestow young Alsrod Nayvil with his official profession. As a minor feudal lord, Alsrod hopes he'll get a job impressive enough to let him step out of his older brother's shadow. However, he ends up with an unheard-of job called..."Oda Nobunaga?!"It's not long before Alsrod learns the Oda Nobunaga entity involved is a famous conqueror from another world who will forever change his destiny! Now the young ruler has his sights set on greater endeavors?—namely, taking over the entire kingdom!
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Герой Мэбуки Кусуноки

Герой Мэбуки Кусуноки

Kusunoki Mebuki Is a Hero
Having lost her chance to become the successor of a retired Hero, the passionate Mebuki Kusunoki is left bitter with envy. Sometime later, she and former Hero candidates are gathered once more by Taisha for a new duty. Unexpectedly, it is not another Hero selection.Instead, Mebuki and the others must assist the Heroes as Sentinels by investigating the treacherous outside world in preparation for humanity's desired comeback. However, their powers are reduced versions of the ones used by the Heroes, which Mebuki feels is making a mockery of her efforts. Nevertheless, she still puts in her all, hoping that one day she will be recognized by Taisha as someone worthy of becoming a Hero.Despite the…
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Спящая принцесса: Неизвестная история обо мне

Спящая принцесса: Неизвестная история обо мне

Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me
меха фантастика приключения фэнтези
параллельные миры главный герой женщина современная зарубежная проза
В своих снах Коконе Древняя Принцесса Хертлэнда, королевства машин и технологий. При этом у нее нехилая магическая сила. Однако все меняется, когда сны и реальность Коконе начинает пересекаться. И вот уже девушке приходиться убегать от плохих парней из обоих миров. Сможет ли она найти выход из своего сна или погрузится в него еще больше?..
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