Электронные книги жанра фантастика, по алфавиту

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книга на букву B
5 .0
Bane of the Sith

Bane of the Sith

фантастика эпический
космическая опера современная зарубежная проза
Дарт Бэйн, повелитель ситхов, единственный выживший в битве на Руусане, последний из Братства Тьмы, летит в систему Ондерон. Его преследует чувство вины и зловещие призраки павших наставников. Корабль ситха совершает аварийную посадку на звериной луне Дксун, где Бэйн, сражаясь с джунглями и идя на зов Тёмной стороны, находит гробницу Фридона Надда. А в ней — ключ к возрождению могущества ситхов… (с) starwars.wikia
3 .0
BattleCorps «Proliferation Series»-1: Отрыв

BattleCorps «Proliferation Series»-1: Отрыв

боевик фантастика
повесть ранее на русский не переводилась и не издавалась
5 .0
BattleTech: Остров благословенных

BattleTech: Остров благословенных

боевик фантастика
Книга серии BattleTech/Боевые роботы.3072 года. Битва за планету Новый Авалон, Слово Блейка против Федеративных Солнц.
0 .0


современная зарубежная проза
When Dad Lewis is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he and his wife must work together, along with their daughter, to make his final days as comfortable as possible, despite the bitter absence of their estranged son. Next door, a young girl moves in with her grandmother and contends with the memories that Dad’s condition stirs up of her own mother’s death. A newly arrived preacher attempts to mend his strained relationships with his wife and son, and soon faces the disdain of his congregation when he offers more than they are used to getting on Sunday mornings. And throughout, an elderly widow and her middle-aged daughter do all they can to ease the pain of their friends and neighbors.
4 .0


социальный фантастика
In her first novel since 2002, Nebula and Hugo award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds—great and small—of ordinary people who shape history. In the hands of this acclaimed storyteller, the past and future collide—and the result is at once intriguing, elusive, and frightening.Oxford in 2060 is a chaotic place. Scores of time-traveling historians are being sent into the past, to destinations including the American Civil War and the attack on the World Trade Center. Michael Davies is prepping to go to Pearl Harbor. Merope Ward is coping with a bunch of bratty 1940 evacuees and trying to talk her thesis adviser,…
0 .0
Bug Game Breaker!

Bug Game Breaker!

фантастика фэнтези
игра экшен

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