Язык оригинала корейский, по алфавиту

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5 .0
The Forest of Stolen Girls

The Forest of Stolen Girls

современная зарубежная проза
Hwani's family has never been the same since she and her younger sister went missing and were later found unconscious in the forest, near a gruesome crime scene. The only thing they remember: Their captor wore a painted-white mask. To escape the haunting memories of this incident, the family flees their hometown. Years later, Detective Min—Hwani's father—learns that thirteen girls have recently disappeared under similar circumstances, and so he returns to their hometown to investigate... only to vanish as well. Determined to find her father and solve the case that tore their family apart, Hwani returns home to pick up the trail. As she digs into the secrets of the small village—and reconnects…
5 .0
The Lives of Sungkyunkwan Confucian Scholars

The Lives of Sungkyunkwan Confucian Scholars

성균관 스캔들
романтика исторический
современная зарубежная проза
Исторический приключенческий роман о студентах университета Сонгюнгван во времена Чосон.
5 .0
The Secret of Red Sky

The Secret of Red Sky

фэнтези романтика исторический
современная зарубежная проза
Исторический фентезийный роман о единственной в Чосоне женщине-художнице Хон Чхон Ги. Хон Чхон Ги родилась слепой, но чудом обрела зрение. У нее с детства талант к рисованию. В день зимнего солнцестояния она встречает Ха Рама, слепого с красными глазами астролога.

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