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.hack//Эпитафия сумерек

.hack//Эпитафия сумерек

.hack//Epitaph of Twilight
приключения фантастика фэнтези
игра экшен
Lara Hoerwick is visiting her uncle Harald, and starts playing a game on his computer while he is away. At first she is excited to find herself in the world of the Epitaph of Twilight, until she realizes that she's stuck in the game. To make matters worse, the game's world is about to be destroyed by the Cursed Wave. Lara's only hope is to set out in search of the Twilight Dragon.
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.хак//Квантум: Сердца-близнецы

.хак//Квантум: Сердца-близнецы

.hack//Quantum: Kokoro no Soushi
приключения фэнтези
игра экшен
Side story to .hack//Quantum.
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фантастика фэнтези
игра экшен
The main premise of the story covers the happenings that Midori and Adamas witness and experience in The World R:2, an extremely popular MMORPG that is a new version of the original game, The World. Midori meets numerous characters from .hack//Roots (most notably Haseo,) and .hack//G.U. (such as Silabus and Gaspard.) The main plot centers around Midori selling herself out to would-be PKers, and some real-world events that center around the girl who also bears the name Midori who is in a coma.

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