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Nagoyakawa Suzuran, she is very unlucky to find herself have to work as a housemaid at Iori Evil Corp to pay her debt to them. She went through all kind of troubles, her body used as a rat experiment, she is also being made to take charge on illegal dealings transactions. While later it was revealed that she is a holy lady that can call forth gods and one of the candidates qualified to be the Evil God. She is now being chased by 2 biggest society, the Shrine Society, a world scale religious group, and Iori Evil Corp.She returned to her normal life at one time, but no one would let the Evil God candidate/holy lady alone. She have to face devil, hi-tech weapons, katanas, and to sum it all, she…
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Onmyou Tantei Ranto☆Mashouroku Zero

Onmyou Tantei Ranto☆Mashouroku Zero

сверхъестественное экшен
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Ougon no Shika no Toukishi

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