Другие имена
Kei ケイ
Кэй | Kei | ケイ , по алфавиту

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Грязная парочка

Грязная парочка

The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair
Charged with keeping the peace and investigating crime among the stars, the Worlds Welfare Work Association (WWWA) prides itself on a reputation of safety and regard for life and property. If only someone would tell that to Agents Kei and Yuri, codename "the Lovely Angels," but better known as the Dirty Pair. Part female James Bond and part walking disaster, this duo gets the job done, though there are no guarantees that a city or two won't get razed in the process. In this adventure, the Angels are called in to investigate the cataclysmic destruction of the Gravus Heavy Industry facility on the planet Dangool. What they find there hurls the pair into a danger-filled trek across the galaxy. Created…
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Грязная парочка наносит новый удар

Грязная парочка наносит новый удар

Daatipea no Daigyakuten
приключения сэйнэн фантастика
When a miner on the industrial planet Chakra is attacked by an unknown animal yet somehow survives, Trouble Consultants Kei and Yuri are called in to investigate. How did the miner survive his wounds, and what are the ulterior motives of the company-town's superiors: the enigmatic religious leader, the town mayor, and the owner of the mining facilities? The answers will shock the two women and embroil them in yet another highly dangerous - and highly destructive - adventure!Features the original cover and nine interior illustrations by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, character designer for such anime as Mobile Suit Gundam and The Venus Wars, for which he was the writer, character designer, and director.
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