Онлайн чтение книги Влюбленный дьявол Devil In A Kilt

DR REILLY made Sarah, at five feet six, feel almost short. Following him into the dark, wood-panelled interior of the Gold Miners’ Pub, she admired his easy, smooth gait, his natural grace that belied his big build. The latent strength she’d glimpsed when he’d popped Anders’s joint back was evident in the set of his shoulders, in the loose swing of his hands. Her tongue licked her lips. Gorgeous.

He turned to her. ‘A shot of something strong will warm you through and stop your teeth chattering.’

‘I’d prefer Earl Grey tea.’

He winced. ‘Earl Grey? On the Coast?’ His eyes rolled. ‘That fancy city stuff won’t win you many friends around here.’

‘As that’s not why I’m here, it doesn’t matter.’

‘I’d like a practice to return to.’

‘Not a problem.’ The man’s looks might take her breath away but his prickly disposition annoyed her. Was she the only one he treated that way? Probably not, if he had to be forced to take leave. The intensity with which he studied her sent a blush right down to her toes. Did he like what he saw? Did she care? Uh, hello? Unbelievable how quickly her awareness of him had reached the point where she wondered how his touch on her skin would affect her. It would burn her up, she suspected. Her overreaction must be due to the contrast between the overly hot room and the chilly dampness outside. What else could it be?

Try lust or physical attraction; forget the weather. Really? Then her stomach growled. That’s what this was all about. Lack of food. Not Dr Yummy.

‘I heard that grumbling,’ the man dominating her thoughts said, amusement briefly lightening those cool, assessing eyes.

‘I’m starving.’ Hardly surprising. Unable to bring herself to eat those woeful muffins, her last meal had been breakfast. A glance at her watch showed it was now after five.

Behind the long bar a pretty woman with wild red hair called across the room. ‘Dan, the hospital phoned to say everything’s under control.’ The woman looked pointedly at Sarah. ‘Can I get you both a drink? I’m sure your friend might like something.’

Shock registered on Dan’s face. ‘This is Sarah Livingston. My locum.’

Not his friend. Probably never would be. What a pity.

‘Are you really?’ the woman asked Sarah, her face lighting up with a speculative gleam as her gaze moved to Dan and back. ‘Wonderful.’

Sarah gulped. Don’t get any bright ideas about matchmaking. If Oliver’s defection had taught her anything it was not to trust as easily as she had last time. Besides, Dan Reilly was far too unsophisticated for her liking. Except that sculpted body did fascinate her. Maybe she could cope with unsophisticated—as an interlude. Hadn’t she thought about having fun with men who didn’t want anything more demanding? But an affair with this man? Not likely. That could complicate things when she had to step into his shoes at the local hospital.

Dan continued the introductions. ‘Jill’s our head theatre nurse, and a barmaid in her spare time. She’ll get you whatever you want, though a slug of brandy would do you a sight more good than tea.’

Sarah retorted, ‘Suggestion noted.’ Forget the interlude. If she ever progressed to having an affair it would be with someone personable and fun, not grumpy and domineering.

Jill leaned across the counter. ‘Welcome to Port Weston. Since we’ll be working together, give me a call if you have any questions about work or anything else. Or if you’re ever hankering for a coffee, I’m available.’

‘Thanks for that.’ At least someone was pleased to see her here. ‘You must be busy, with two jobs.’

‘Malcolm, my husband and Dan’s brother, runs the pub except when he’s out rescuing fools who don’t read warning signs.’ Jill banged two glasses on the counter. ‘What’ll it be?’

‘Two brandies.’ Dan didn’t consult Sarah, instead told her, ‘Malcolm’s the search and rescue coordinator.’

‘He was one of the men who’d carried Anders in?’ No wonder Jill looked worried.

‘Yep.’ Dan sipped his drink appreciatively.

‘I’ll bet he went straight back out to sea after handing his charge over to you.’ Jill glared at Dan.

‘Hey, steady up. You know there’s no way I could’ve stopped him. A team of Clydesdale horses couldn’t have.’ Dan reached across and covered Jill’s hand with his.

There were tears in the other woman’s eyes. ‘I know, but he worries me silly. One day he won’t come back from a rescue mission.’

Sarah found herself wanting to hug Jill. And she didn’t do hugs. Not very often anyway. Certainly not with people she’d only just met. But, then, she wasn’t normally rattled by a man like Dan either. Or any man, come to think of it. Must be something in the West Coast air.

Dan said to Jill, ‘Don’t think like that. You know you wouldn’t change him for anything.’ Then he turned his attention back to Sarah. ‘We’d better get out of our wet clothes. You’re shivering non-stop.’

‘I’ll get some dry things from my car in a moment.’ Sarah took a large swallow of brandy, gasping as it burned a track down her throat. ‘Wow.’

‘Wait till the warmth spreads through you, then you won’t be twisting your nose sideways like that.’ Dan actually smiled. A long, slow smile that at last went all the way to his eyes.

Blue eyes. So what? It was a common colour. But other blue eyes didn’t remind her of hot, lazy days at the beach. Or make her toes curl up in anticipation of exciting things to come. Like what? Who cared? Anything with this man would be exhilarating. Was it possible to become drunk in thirty seconds? Because that’s how she felt.

‘Where’re your keys? I’ll get your bag, save you getting another drenching.’

So he could do ‘nice’. She dug into her jacket pocket, handed her keyring to him. ‘My car’s out the front.’

His fingers were warm against hers as he took the keys. ‘I know. It’s the odd one out amongst the dirty four–wheel-drives and family wagons.’

‘It fits in where I come from.’

‘I’m sure it does.’ Dan hauled the heavy front door open with a jerk. ‘Malcolm still hasn’t shaved this blasted door, Jill.’

‘Tell him, not me.’ Jill topped up Sarah’s glass even though it wasn’t empty. ‘Here, a bit more won’t hurt you. There’s no colour in your cheeks.’

‘Thanks, but I’d better go easy on it.’ What she really needed was food.

‘A hot shower will do you wonders. You can use our bathroom.’

A blast of cold air hit her as Dan poked his head around the door, looking bemused. ‘Which bag?’

‘The small one.’ Hopefully that contained everything she needed.

‘You didn’t bring a small one,’ Dan retorted. ‘Why do some women have to cart their whole wardrobe everywhere they go?’

‘Guess that’s a rhetorical question.’ Sarah stared at the closing door.

‘Guess he’s exaggerating?’ Jill’s smile warmed her.

‘Definitely not all my clothes.’ Already she liked Jill enough to relax with her. Could she be making a new friend? What was the point? She’d be gone in three months. There again, a friend would be good. She missed the three women she’d known since high school and done all her growing up with.

They’d gone to university together, coming out well versed in life and clutching degrees to their proud chests. Two doctors, one architect and an advertising guru. Three marriages, three mothers; and then there was her. Sometimes she knew she didn’t quite belong to the quartet any more. Conversations over dinners and coffee seemed to revolve around children and school timetables, husbands and schedules—things Sarah didn’t have a clue about.

Jill was still talking. ‘Dan’s okay behind that rugged exterior. A pussy cat really. You’ll get along fine.’

Sarah knew pussycats, even those in disguise. Dan didn’t fit the bill. Tiger was a more apt description. Stealthy when he had to be. Fast when he went for the kill. There was a mix of strength and stubbornness in the set of his chin. His classic handsome features were made interesting by a too-wide mouth and a ragged scar on the point of his chin.

‘Here you go, the small one,’ Dan said from behind her, causing her to jump. Definitely stealthy.

Jill asked Dan, ‘Can you show Sarah to my bedroom? The rescue crew can’t be far away and they’ll be wanting food.’

At the mention of food Sarah’s stomach turned over. ‘I’ll be as quick as I can, and then I’ll give you a hand,’ she told Jill. Whoa, back up. She’d help? In a pub? She’d get messy and greasy.

New year, new life, remember?

‘Along here.’ Dan led the way out to the back and into the private quarters. He opened a door and let her precede him into a double bedroom. ‘The bathroom’s through there.’

He smelt of damp wool and warm male as she brushed past him. No trace of expensive aftershave or hair product. A clean, uninhibited masculine scent. Sarah hesitated, looked back over her shoulder at him, a sudden longing for something she couldn’t put her finger on gripping her.

‘What about you?’ She was suddenly, oddly, nervous.

Placing her case in the middle of the floor, he turned to leave. His look was cool, his mouth a straight line. ‘There’s another bathroom next door.’

As she poked through her case for suitable clothes she could hear Dan moving about in that other bathroom, presumably preparing for his shower. An image of a well-muscled body filled her mind. And of a rare but endearing, smile tinged with sadness. What caused that sadness? Of course, she could be wrong about the muscles. She hoped not. A thrill of pleasure warmed her body—and shook her carefully formulated concept of her time in Port Weston.

The jets of water were piping hot against her skin and she gave herself up to them, putting aside thoughts of Daniel Reilly, good and otherwise. Especially those about his body. But how could a bad-tempered man wearing such shapeless clothes ooze so much sex appeal?

The bar was crowded and the mood sombre when Sarah returned. Dan was perched on a stool at the end of the long counter. He waved her over. ‘Do you want another drink?’

Schooling her face into a smile, Sarah looked him over as she replied, ‘No, thanks.’

His clean shirt fitted snugly across his chest while his dry, worn jeans were tight. Her mouth dried. Beneath the faded denim his thighs were every bit as muscular as she’d imagined.

‘Anders’s father still hasn’t been found.’

‘That’s not good.’ She pulled her shoulders back, focusing on what Dan said, not what he wore.

‘That lad needs his father alive and well, not dead and washed up on a beach,’ Dan snapped.

‘Some people will always take chances.’ But not her. She’d focused on her career, foregoing a relationship until she’d specialised, at the same time working on making her father proud.

‘They shouldn’t, not when they’ve got a family to consider.’

Sarah totally agreed with him, but diplomatically changed the subject. ‘Does Port Weston have a GP? I didn’t see one on the beach.’

‘Tony Blowers. He’s up a valley, delivering a baby, at the moment.’

‘Lucky for Anders you were here, then.’ She looked around, spied Jill busy pulling beers, and remembered her promise. ‘I said I’d help with the food so I’d better find out what’s to be done.’

‘You did?’ He didn’t bother disguising his surprise. Those intense cobalt eyes measured her up and down, making her very aware of the snug black slacks and black figure-hugging cotton sweater she’d pulled on.

Dan drawled, ‘You might just fit in here yet.’

Pity he didn’t sound like he meant it. ‘You don’t want me here, do you?’

‘No, I don’t.’

‘Thank you for your honesty.’ That she could deal with. It was a little harder to ignore the fact he wouldn’t give her a chance.

‘It’s nothing personal,’ Dan added quietly.

‘That’s a relief,’ she muttered, hoping he meant it and wasn’t trying to placate her.

The door crashed back against the wall and drenched men, carrying a stretcher, pressed into the pub. Pat told Dan, ‘We’ve found Starne. He washed up further along and tried to climb the cliff. Fell, and broke his arm, by the look of it.’

‘Put him on the couch. It’s warmer in here than in a bedroom.’ Dan removed cushions and the men lowered the stretcher.

Kneeling down beside the man, Sarah told him, ‘I’m Sarah Livingston, a doctor. Can you hear me?’

The man’s eyes flew open. ‘Where’s my son? Is he all right?’ He tried sitting up, pushing on his elbows, only to flop back down, groaning with pain.

Dan laid a hand on the man’s chest. ‘Take it easy.’

Starne tried to knock Dan’s hand away with his good arm. ‘Is my boy all right? Tell me what happened to him.’ The distressed man looked ready to leap up off the couch.

‘I’m Dan Reilly, a surgeon. I saw Anders when the rescuers brought him onto the beach.’ Dan continued giving Starne the details about his boy, finishing with, ‘He’s in hospital and doing well.’

Jill helped Sarah tuck blankets around the man. ‘I’ll have hot-water bottles ready very soon.’

Tears streamed down the man’s face. ‘The waves banged Anders against the rocks so many times. I couldn’t reach him. I thought he was gone.’

‘You’re both very lucky.’ Sarah noted his pulse rate as she talked.

Dan nudged her, spoke softly. ‘You’re doing great with him, calming him down better than I managed. I’ll do the secondary survey.’

She nodded, pleased with the compliment, however small, and silently counted the rise and fall of their patient’s chest. ‘I’m onto the resps.’

As his fingers felt for contusions Dan told their patient, ‘I’ll check you over, starting with your head.’

Those firm, gently probing fingers on Starnes’s scalp tantalised her. What would they be like on her skin, stroking, teasing, racking up the tension? ‘Damn.’ She started counting again.

Dan glanced at Sarah as he worked. ‘The sooner we get this man to hospital where he can see his boy, the better. I know that’s what I’d want if I’d been thinking the worst.’

Sarah’s heart squeezed. No parent wanted to outlive their child. As hers had done. ‘The downside of being a parent.’

She hadn’t realised she’d spoken aloud until Dan said, ‘Children cause a lot of worry and heartache, that’s for sure. Have you got any?’


‘I guess now’s not the time to ask why not.’

There’d never be a right time. ‘Resps slightly slow.’

‘Temperature?’ Dan asked. At least he could take a hint.

Sarah looked around for Jill. ‘You wouldn’t have a thermometer?’

‘Coming up.’ Jill was already halfway out the room.

‘Finding anything?’ Dan asked Sarah as she palpated Starnes’s stomach and liver.

She shook her head. ‘These two should buy a lottery ticket.’

‘We’re certainly not giving you time to settle in quietly, are we?’ Dan looked at her for a moment.

No, and being so close to him, breathing his very maleness, added to the sense of walking a swaying tightrope. ‘Guess I’ll manage,’ she muttered, not sure whether she meant the patients or Dan.

Someone handed them hot-water bottles, Sarah reaching for them at the same moment as Dan. Their hands touched, fingers curled around each other’s before they could untwine themselves. ‘S-sorry.’ Sarah snatched her hand back.

‘No problem,’ snapped Dan, his eyes wide and his face still.

Sarah cringed. Did he think she’d done that on purpose? Surely not? She couldn’t deny her attraction for him, but to deliberately grab his hand when she hardly knew him was not her style. Knowing that to say anything in her defence would only make the situation worse, she kept quiet, and again reached for the bottles, making sure to keep well away from Dan.

She placed the bottles in Starnes’s armpits and around his groin to maximise his potential for absorbing the warmth.

‘The left ankle is swollen, possibly sprained,’ Sarah pointed.

‘My thoughts exactly.’

‘Will we—I—be required to go into theatre if surgery’s needed?’ Sarah almost hoped not. She was tired and hungry, not in good shape to be operating.

Dan sat back on his haunches and those piercing eyes clashed with hers. ‘You don’t officially start until tomorrow so if someone’s needed I’ll do it.’

Why? She’d come for one reason only, and he was holding her back. As her blood started heating up and her tongue forming a sharp reply, he continued, ‘You’ll want to unpack and settle in at the house. Alison should manage unless she’s got another emergency.’

Sarah eased off on her annoyance. How could she stay mad when those eyes bored into her like hot summer rays? ‘As long as you know I’m happy to assist if needed.’

A blast of cold air announced the arrival of the ambulance crew. ‘Hi, there, again.’ Kerry hunkered down beside Dan. ‘What’ve we got this time?’

While Dan relayed the details Sarah stood and stretched her calf muscles, arching her back and pulling her shoulders taut. Dan’s gaze followed her movements as he talked to the paramedic, sending a thrill through her. Those eyes seemed to cruise over her, as though they could see right through her to things she never told anyone. Which was plain crazy. How could this man, a stranger really, see through her façade? See beyond the clothes to her soul? He couldn’t. Could he?

‘Here …’ Jill waved across the punters’ heads. ‘Sandwiches and a coffee. Or would you like something stronger?’

‘Coffee’s fine.’ Grateful for the food, Sarah swallowed her disappointment at the mug of murky instant coffee being slid across the counter towards her. ‘Do you still need a hand in the kitchen?’

‘I’ve got it covered. Bea arrived while you were in the shower, and she’s happy as a kid in a sandpit out there cooking up fries.’


‘Dan’s sister.’

‘Is everyone around here related to him?’ Biting into a thick sandwich filled with ham and tomato, Sarah told her stomach to be patient, sustenance was on the way down.

‘Not quite.’ Dan sent Jill a silent message before turning to Sarah. ‘You want to share those?’ He nodded at the sandwiches.

Not really. She could eat the lot. ‘Sure.’ Sarah prodded the plate along the counter towards him, wondering what he hadn’t wanted Jill to mention in front of her. ‘So you come from a big family.’

‘Yep, and they’re quite useful at times.’

‘What he means is we all run round after him most of the time.’ Jill winked at Sarah.

They needn’t think she’d play that game. She’d come to run his clinic, nothing else. ‘How far from here is the house I’m staying in? I’ve got some directions but it’s probably quicker if you tell me.’

Wariness filtered into Dan’s eyes. ‘You can follow me shortly.’

‘I’d really like to go now.’

‘Soon.’ Then suddenly his eyes twinkled and he waved at someone behind her. ‘Sweetheart, there you are.’

Disappointment jolted Sarah. Of course Dan would have a wife. No man as good looking as this one would be single. Turning to see who he was smiling at, her heart slowed and a lump blocked her throat. The most gorgeous little girl bounded past her, her arms flung high and wide as she reached Dan.

‘Daddy, there you are. Auntie Bea brought me here. She made me some fries.’

‘Hi, sweetheart. Guess you won’t be needing dinner now.’ Dan scooped the pink and yellow bundle up and sat her on his knee.

‘You’re late, Daddy.’

‘Sorry, sweetheart.’ The man looked unhappy, as though he’d slipped up somehow. ‘I had to help Uncle Malcolm.’

Sarah stared at father and daughter. Their eyes were the same shade of blue. They had identical wide, full mouths, the only difference being the little girl’s was one big smile while Dan’s rarely got past a scowl. Except now, with his daughter in his arms. The lump blocking Sarah’s throat slowly evaporated, her heart resumed its normal rhythm. But she melted inside, watching the child.

Since when did children do that to her? Since her wrecked marriage plans had stolen her dream of having a family. Why hadn’t Oliver taken that test for the cystic fibrosis gene as he’d promised to do when she’d first told him she was a carrier? Had he been afraid he might find he was imperfect? Did the idea that they might have to decide whether to have children or not if he’d tested positive prove too hard to face? Whatever the answers, he could’ve talked to her, not gone off and played around behind her back.


Sarah blinked, looked around, caught the eye of Dan, and, remembering where she was, immediately shoved the past aside. ‘Hi.’

The child wriggled around on Dan’s knee until she was staring at Sarah. ‘Are you the lady who’s coming to stay with us?’

Definitely not. ‘No, I’m Sarah, a doctor like your father.’

‘Sarah …’ Dan eased a breath through his teeth. ‘Leah’s right. You are staying with us.’

‘What?’ Absolutely not. No one had ever mentioned such a notion. Perspiration broke out on her forehead. Had she missed something? No, she couldn’t have. Staying with the local surgeon would’ve been one detail she’d definitely not overlook. ‘The board arranged a hospital house for me.’

‘That’s right. The one and only hospital house. Where I live with my daughter.’

Her shoulders sagged. He meant it. She was staying at Dan’s house. With Dan. And his daughter. ‘Your wife?’

‘There’s just the two of us.’ His mouth tightened. ‘You’ll be comfortable enough.’

No way. She couldn’t, wouldn’t. What about her unprecedented attraction to him? How could she handle that when they were squeezed into the same place? Then there was the job. He’d always be asking how she was doing. Who had she seen? How was she treating them? Her voice sounded shrill even to her. ‘There must be somewhere else. I don’t mind a small flat or apartment.’

‘This is Port Weston, not Auckland. Rental properties are few and far between. When I say there’s nothing else then there’s nothing. Believe me, I’ve checked.’ Dan stood up. ‘I’m not happy about it either. Unfortunately we’re going to have to bump along together—somehow.’

Of course Dan didn’t want her staying with him. He didn’t want her here, full stop. Tiredness dragged her shoulders down as she stood up from the stool she’d been perched on. ‘I’ll get my case.’

Bump along together, indeed. Her eyes widened and her face heated up. In a fantasy world, bumping up against Dan might be a whole heap of fun. There were definitely some very intriguing ways. But not in the ho-hum kind of way he was suggesting. Right now she wanted to bang him over the head for letting this happen.

Swinging Leah down to the floor, Dan watched Sarah striding across the room in a second, clean pair of silly sandals. Her cheeks had coloured up, and her shoulders were stiff. Those amazing eyes were giving off sparks. Passion ran through her veins, he’d bet his job on it.

‘Sarah’s unhappy, Daddy.’ Leah wriggled down to the floor and grabbed his hand.

So was he. He didn’t need a sex siren in his home. Not when his body suddenly seemed to be waking up. But he couldn’t be blamed for the board crying off outlaying money for separate accommodation for her. It was part of his tenancy agreement that visiting doctors stayed with him. Of course, none of them came for more than a week at a time.

Charlie had also stressed the importance of keeping Dr Livingston happy during her time here. And then they put her in with me? Dan bit off an expletive.

Everyone in the district knew that Dr Livingston had to be looked out for. There’d be a concerted effort to make sure she wanted for nothing. The board had a plan. One where the locum would fall in love with Port Weston and its hospital and want to stay on when the contract was up. The plan was doomed from the start. By all appearances Sarah would not stay one minute longer than her contract stated. But the relief that knowledge should engender within him wasn’t forthcoming.

Did he want her to stay? No.

Did he want to cut back his working hours permanently? Maybe. If it all worked out with Leah. If he learned how to give her what she needed and didn’t fail her like he had last time he’d tried to be a hands-on solo dad. If. If. If.

Then he had to think about those little mistakes he’d begun making at work because he’d become exhausted. Thankfully none of them had been serious. Yet. He’d been doing horrendously long hours and Charlie had been right to start looking for another surgeon to share the load. Those long days had been an excuse to avoid going home and facing the truth that Celine was never coming back. He’d worked until he was so tired he could fall into bed and sleep.

He should be grateful to Sarah. She hadn’t forced this holiday on him, he had. By all accounts, she appeared to be the perfect locum, despite being an arrogant ‘suit’ from Auckland. Okay, not totally arrogant, but she was going to have difficulty fitting in here with those city mannerisms.

His eyes were riveted on the way her legs moved as she negotiated the crowd. Long, long legs that he imagined going— Get a grip. She was a colleague, not some female to be drooled over as though he was a sex-starved teenager. He winced. He was sex-starved. And only now beginning to notice. It had been so long he could barely remember what making love was like.

Now was not the time to find out. Which was another reason to wish Sarah on the other side of the planet.

Reaching her, he leaned down for her case at the same moment that she grabbed the handle.

‘Let me,’ he said quietly. And tried to breathe normally. The skin on the back on her hand was soft, smooth. Strands of blonde hair settled on her cheek. His heart stuttered. Such a mundane and delightful thing.

‘I can manage,’ she retorted.

‘I know, but let me.’

Her mouth fashioned a fleeting smile. ‘Thank you.’

This close he could see the dark shadows staining her upper cheeks. ‘Do you feel up to driving, or would you rather come back for your car in the morning?’

‘What, and have you hauling all those cases between vehicles?’ She managed another almost-smile. ‘I’ll follow you. Is it far?’

‘About five kilometres, on the other side of town.’ Thinking of the short street of shops, mostly farming and fishing suppliers, he knew Sarah would be shocked. There was one, surprisingly good, café run by a couple who’d opted for the quiet life after many years of running a business in Christchurch. Hopefully their coffee would be up to this woman’s expectations.

Sarah pulled the outside door open. ‘Allow me.’

‘Oh, no. After you.’ Dan gripped the edge of the door above her head.

She shrugged and ducked under his arm, out the doorway, bang into a throng of people crowding the steps. Leah danced along behind her. Fishermen crowded the porch, gathering to celebrate the rescue operation’s success.

‘Careful, lady!’ someone exclaimed. ‘Those steps are slippery.’

Sarah teetered at the edge of the top step. She put a hand out for balance but there was no railing to grab. Tripping, she made a desperate attempt to regain her footing. The heel of her sandal twisted, tipped her sideways and she went down hard, crying out as she thumped onto the concrete.

‘Sarah.’ Dan dropped her case, pushed through the men to crouch down beside her. ‘Don’t move. Let me look.’

She was on her backside, one leg twisted under her. ‘I’m fine. Just help me up, please.’ She put a hand out to him.

‘Wait until I’ve checked your leg.’

‘There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s my foot that hurts. Probably bruised.’ Putting her hands down on either side of her hips, she tried to stand, but couldn’t. ‘Are you going to give me a hand, or do I ask someone else?’

‘Sit still.’ Those sandals weren’t helping. ‘How do you expect to be able to stand up on that narrow spike you call a heel?’

‘Typical male. Women are born to walk on heels,’ she retorted through clenched teeth. Leaning to one side, she straightened her leg out from under her bottom, and bit down on her lip.

He gently felt her ankle, then her foot. The tissue was soft, already swelling, and her sharp intake of breath confirmed his suspicions. ‘I think you’ve broken at least one bone. An X-ray will verify that.’

He’d call the radiology technician on the way to A and E. Technically a fracture in the foot could wait until the morning, but he didn’t want this particular patient finding their small hospital lacking.

‘That easily? That’s crazy.’ Sarah shook her head at her foot as though it was responsible for her predicament, and not those ridiculous shoes.

So much for Sarah taking over his practice this week. He should be pleased he’d be going to work. But even he understood his promise to Leah was meant to be kept. It didn’t matter he was terrified he wouldn’t measure up as a full-time dad for three months, and that Leah might revert to the disconsolate little girl he’d finally handed over to his family to help. He’d promised to try. Now, before he’d even started, their time together had to be postponed. He might’ve resented Sarah coming here, but right now he’d give anything to have her back on both feet and eager to get started.

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