Электронные книги жанра меха - cтраница 2

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Messiah Crybaby
меха фантастика
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Soukou Akki Muramasa: Youkou Hibun Hagane

Soukou Akki Muramasa: Youkou Hibun Hagane

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa: Youkou Hibun Hagane
меха фантастика
Spin-off of the original visual novel by Nitro+.
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Я буду хвостики носить! Эксклюзив

Я буду хвостики носить! Эксклюзив

Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. EX
комедия меха фэнтези
смена пола экшен
Side story of Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. bundled with the limited editions of the 1st, 3rd and 5th Blu-ray/DVD volume of anime.
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SM Girls: Saber Marionette J

SM Girls: Saber Marionette J

драма комедия меха романтика фантастика
гарем экшен
On a world with no women, the surviving men have reintroduced the female in the form of an android. Called Marionettes, they are built to serve men and are limited in their interactions with humans. That is until a poor boy named Otaru Mamiya encounters a Marionette named Lime. Lime is a Saber model with a special circuit that gives her emotions. When Otaru awakens two more Saber Marionettes, his life as an 'average' man quickly becomes as extraordinary as the lives of his eager, busty new friends.
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Воины-марионетки Эр

Воины-марионетки Эр

SM Girls: Saber Marionette R
комедия меха романтика фантастика
гарем экшен
Jr., the heir of Romana and his battle sabers Cherry and Lime, who have girl circuits are enjoying their peaceful life in Romana. Suddenly, the evil Star-Face and his sexadolls attack Romana in order to take over so Star-Face can become the next High Official. In order to truly become the next High Official and ruler of Romana, he must first eliminate Jr. This begins a battle for, not only Jr.'s life, but for all of Romana.
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Полиция будущего

Полиция будущего

Mobile Police Patlabor
меха фантастика
In the future, advanced robotics has created heavy robots ("labors") for use in a variety of functions: construction, fire-fighting, military, and more. However, though the robots are only machines, their operators are also only human—and humans sometimes turn to crime. Since a heavy labor unit can be a dangerous weapon, the police of the future are set to fight fire with fire, using advanced patrol labor units, "patlabors." This is the story of the Second Special Vehicles Division, a motley crew of patlabor policemen and women doing their best to fight crime and live a normal life.
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Отчёт: Новый мобильный Гандам Крыло

Отчёт: Новый мобильный Гандам Крыло

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing
драма меха фантастика
военные космос экшен
В году 195 ПК (После колоний),с начала операции Метеор, ученные планируют отомстить военной организации ОЗ. Следую операции, 5 молодых парней, были выбраны и тренированы одним из 5 ученых пиратов, после чего отправлены на Землю порознь в очень продвинутых Мехах, известных как «Гандамы». Мехи называются Гандамами из-за того, что сделаны из редкого и очень прочного материала, известного как сплав ганданиума, который может быть создан только в открытом космосе.Пять пилотов Гандамов – Хиро Юй (псевдоним), Дуо Максвелл (псевдоним), Трова Бартон (псевдоним), Кватре Раберба и Чанг Ву Фей – не знают о существовании друг друга. В их первую встречу, каждый пилот верит, что остальные враги в новых Мехах…
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Отчёт: Новый мобильный Гандам Крыло — Бесконечный вальс

Отчёт: Новый мобильный Гандам Крыло — Бесконечный вальс

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
драма меха фантастика
военные космос экшен
After Colony 196One year has passed since the war between Earth and its colonies ended. Heero, Duo, Trowa and Quatre bid farewell to their Gundams and jettison them to the sun. Relena Darlian is now the deputy minister of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. But as the Gundam pilots are adjusting to the peace on Earth, Relena is kidnapped and a new threat appears, led by Marimeia Khushrenada—daughter of the late dictator Treize Khushrenada and heir to the Barton Foundation. To make matters more complicated, Gundam Nataku pilot Wufei has sided with this faction. The Gundam pilots must recover their mobile suits and once again engage in battle before Marimeia's forces succeed on their bid for global…
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Мобильный воин Гандам Age

Мобильный воин Гандам Age

меха фантастика
In A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar) a mysterious entity known only as "UE", or "unknown enemy", attacks and destroys the space colony Angel. This brutal attack becomes infamous as the "The Day the Angel Fell", and marks the beginning of humanity's war for survival. The series begins in A.G. 108 when the UE attack the space colony Ovan, where Flit Asuno lives with his mother. Flit's mother is killed by the UE, and in her belongings (in an object called a "AGE Device") he discovers the blueprints for a powerful weapon from the past - the ancient messiah named "Gundam." From these blueprints, Flit spends the next several years studying engineering at an Earth Federation…
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Мобильный воин Джи-Гандам

Мобильный воин Джи-Гандам

Mobile Fighter G Gundam
меха фантастика
космос экшен
In the Year FC 60, much of mankind inhabits space colonies which orbit the Earth. Dominance over the colonies is decided once every four years by a large tournament in which each nation sends a single representative to fight the others with a giant robot called a Gundam. Domon Kashuu is selected to represent Neo-Japan in one of these tournaments, but he fights less to ensure his nation's victory than to find his brother, who has been blamed for the deaths of Domon's parents and the disappearance of a very dangerous weapon, the Dark Gundam or Devil Gundam.
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Гаргантия на просторах зелёной планеты: Далёкий, случайно обнаруженный мир

Гаргантия на просторах зелёной планеты: Далёкий, случайно обнаруженный мир

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: The Distant Accidentally Discovered World
меха приключения фантастика
Russell, a boy who makes his living off of chasing whale-squids in the oceans off of the land nation Liberistan, meets a strange entity called Liv in the depths of the water. Using Liv's power to greatly increase the control over a Yunboro, Russel is determined to succeed in life in a safe land.Sukaya, the daughter of the cabinet minister of the opposing nation Augustonia, was exhausted from her days in which her efforts would not bear fruit. However, her situation changes when the humanoid robot Ignite awakens and chooses her as its pilot.A boy who holds hope for the land, and a girl who seeks freedom. And so, a new story begins to move in the various lands that the giant ship Gargantia travels…
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Код Гиас: Отступник Акито

Код Гиас: Отступник Акито

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled
драма меха фантастика
сверхъестественное экшен
The story takes place in Europe in the year a.t.b. 2017. A Knightmare unit made of boys and girls from Area Eleven are thrown into a military operation with a 5% chance of survival. They must rescue an allied unit left behind on the European warfront.
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Мобильный воин Гандам

Мобильный воин Гандам

меха фантастика
военные космос
Universal Century 0079: The Principality of Zeon has declared its independence from the Earth Federation, and subsequently launched a massive war of independence, a war which has raged in every continent on earth and in nearly every space colony and lunar settlement. The Zeon have the upper hand through their use of a revolutionary new type of weapon, their humanoid like mobile suits. When a Zeon recon team disobey mission orders and begin attacking Side 7 its citizens stumble across the Federations latest weapon: the Gundam. With the aid of Earth Federation soldiers stationed aboard the MS carrier White Base the newly formed crew of refugees set out to change the course of the One Year War —…
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Гуррен-Лаганн, пронзающий небеса

Гуррен-Лаганн, пронзающий небеса

Heaven-Piercing Gurren Lagann
комедия меха постапокалиптика приключения фантастика
зверолюди современная зарубежная проза экшен
Далекое будущее. Человечество живет под землей в огромных пещерах, понятия не имея об огромном мире наверху, небе или звездах. И вот однажды в деревеньке Джиха застенчивый мальчик Симон, работающий землекопом, обнаруживает странный светящийся объект. В результате друг Саймона - предприимчивый Камина в ярких очках - формирует группу Гурен-Лаганн, которая должна прорваться через потолок пещеры и выбраться на поверхность, в само существование которой мало кто верит. Староста деревеньки и слышать не хочет о подобных глупостях, поэтому наазывает всю компанию. Но когда из мира на поверхности приходит катастрофа и деревня оказывается под угрозой, Симон, Камин, Ёко (девчушка с огромным пистолетом) и…
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